Signum Crucis (the sign of the cross)

“The sign of the cross is made with three fingers,
because the signing is done together with the invocation of the Trinity. …
This is how it is done: from above to below, and from the right to the left,
because Christ descended from the heavens to the earth,
and from the Jews (right) He passed to the Gentiles (left).
Others, however, make the sign of the cross from the left to the right,
because from misery (left) we must cross over to glory (right),
just as Christ crossed over from death to life, and from Hades to Paradise.
[Some priests] do it this way so that they and the people will be signing themselves in the same way.
You can easily verify this — picture the priest facing the people for the blessing — when we make the sign of the cross over the people, it is from left to right… “

Paus Innocentius III (1198–1216)

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